Here's The Deal

This blog has been started for educational reasons... haha, my education. Think of it as an English Assignment... because that's what it is.
So here you will see... well I'm not to sure what you'll see, but I can promise you that it won't be... dry, or it will... this is...
A Day in the Life of an Introvert!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Hello World . . .

First post . . .
The blogs I've done I've known that no body was every really going to pay attention to. I know because I sometimes scroll through blogs, and I look at the title, maybe the first line in the first post on the page, then I hit next button and start all over again . . . 
I don't really have much hope for this one any way . . . 
I am after all an introvert . . .

1 comment:

  1. Bah! Einstein, Newton, Abraham Lincoln, Mark Zuckerburg, Warren Buffet . . . you're in good company! Introverts change the world :)
