Here's The Deal

This blog has been started for educational reasons... haha, my education. Think of it as an English Assignment... because that's what it is.
So here you will see... well I'm not to sure what you'll see, but I can promise you that it won't be... dry, or it will... this is...
A Day in the Life of an Introvert!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Days 20-22

Day 20: The Meaning Behind Your Blog Name
Well... I'm not a major people person, most of the time I prefer to be alone... and well yeah

Day 21: A Picture of Something that Makes you Happy
It's not a picture its a clip... I watch it whenever I need a smile.
Despicable Me... watch!! I know you want to

Day 22: A Letter to Someone Who Has Hurt You Recently...
This is rather personal and this is the one day that I will not follow through with... I hope you all sort of understand and if you don't well... sucks for you... life is full of disappointments

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 19

Day 19: A Picture of Something you Want to do Before you Die

I've always wanted to go bungee jumping!!! It just looks like so much FUN!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Days 8-18

Day 8: Your Dream Wedding
There would be absolutely no drama whatsoever... and at the end of the day I would be married to the man who stole my heart... that's all that really matters right??

Day 9: A Photo of the Last Item you Purchased

Yes the last thing I bought was gas... for my car...

Day 10: A Photo of your Favorite Place to Eat

I have three...
Taco Bell

Olive Garden

  Lorena's Mexican Restaurant

Day 11: A Picture of Your Favorite Memory
DisneyLand with the family over Christmas break...
It was totally amazing!!!
I love my family!!!!!

Day 12: Your current Relationship
Single... Very VERY single!
The point is I'm a strong independent woman and I don't need a man (Men are stupid)

Day 13: A picture of your Favorite Band or Artist
Now its the whole I can't decide thing again... you should just be glad that I've narrowed it down to a genre...
But I love artists like...
Band Perry
Carrie Underwood
Tim McGraw
Kenny Chesney
Miranda Lambert
Blake Shelton
Jane Deere Girls... there are so many more...

Day 14: A TV Show you are Currently Addicted to

Again three... Psych, Arrow and Criminal Minds

Day 15: Something you don't Leave the House Without
My phone...

Day 16: Short Term Goals for this Month and Why
My goals are to cut back on my sugar, and catch up on my school work.
Cut back on sugar because I recently had a bit of a wake up call in the form of a tragedy and decided that I need to strive to be more healthy I've already weened myself off of caffeine my next goal is sugar... this month I'll probably just cut back but eventually my goal is to cut sugar almost completely out of my diet.
Catch up on my school work because the recent tragedy i mentioned earlier I've fallen behind on my homework and well I'd like to catch up...

Day 17: How You Hope Your Future Will be Like
I hope that my future is full of love, happiness, and family. I don't necessarily wish to be rich my hope is to be well off enough to not have to worry, but if life decides to give me a bunch of cash I won't compain

Day 18: 5 Things that Irritate ME about the Opposite/Same Sex
5. The need to cause drama... strangely both sexes
4. The flirting with everything with a heartbeat... (not everyone, but both sexes have people who do this)
3. Wearing too little, it attracts attention in the wrong way... both sexes
2. Over thinking everything the other gender does or says... both sexes again
1. Not always able to read/listen between the lines...  

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 7

Day 7: A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet...

Siberian Huskies are so adorable and I've wanted one for the longest time... Isn't this husky puppy just adorable!!!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Days 2-6

Day 2: Favorite Movie

Currently my favorite move is Pitch Perfect. It's totally hilarious... and Rebel Wilson... one of the best parts of the movie...

Day 3: Idea for the perfect first date

My idea for the perfect first date is something simple. A lot of people would call it boring, but I like dinner and a movie. I'm not exactly high maintenance, we don't even have to go out. Just a nice meal and a good funny movie, that's it.

Day 4: Photograph of your best friend

I don't have just one...
This is F, we've known each other since 7th grade. Thankfully she is just as crazy as I am... if not more so. We went to the midnight premier of the Smurfs... I think that explains why she's blue.

This is B with her hubby. She's technically my cousin but we're totally tight. We talk about everything and I love her gorgeous, kind face.
And of course I should mention my roommates, I met them just a little over a year ago but we totally clicked. They are two beautiful that have made a huge impact on me.
Unfortunately I will not be be rooming with them again. But it was great to live with them.

Day 5: What makes you different from everyone else?
Something that makes me different from everyone else... I tend not to wear my emotions for everyone to see, I truly believe that family and friends are the most important things in life and if they need you, you drop everything to help. I also don't care who you are I will treat you like everyone else as long as what you do doesn't effect me or my basic rights I don't really care what your skin color is, what your religion is, whether or not you drink, or even your political views.

Day 6: A song to match your mood
Over You Miranda Lambert
The link kind of describes why... sort of any way... 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Thirty Day Challenge; Day 1: Favorite Song

I have decided to join the plethora of bloggers that are out there and do the thirty day challenge...

So my favorite song... that's actually difficult I don't exactly have favorites with anything really my favorite color changes based on my mood and id different daily, and my favorite song does the same at this moment I'd have to say is Bleed Red by Ronnie Dunn. I really like the message behind this song, that our actions effect everyone. This world is ours to share and we all should work to preserve what we can. 
I mean we only get one shot right.